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5 signs that you need to change your windows in the fall

5 signs that you need to change your windows in the fall

Date : 20 Septembre 2019

With the cold season on our doorstep, it is important that your windows provide you with adequate protection and comfort. 

Here are 5 signs that tell you that your windows are worn out and need to be replaced:

1. Fogging in the windows

2. Air infiltration

3. Your windows are difficult to open

4. The framing of windows that breaks down

5. Broken or cracked tiles

So, do you need to replace your windows ? If so, you will have to choose from a multitude of products. See our selection of powerful windows here.

Contact our professionals in sales and installation of windows for any additional information or to help you choose the product that fits your needs.


Read the complete article. (French only)

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